
Susan Liautaud International Advisor, University Lecturer, Leading Ethics Expert

About the Author

Susan Liautaud is a leading expert in ethics whose counsel has been sought by a number of corporate, governmental, non-profit, and academic organizations across the globe. She is the Founder and Managing Director of Susan Liautaud & Associates Limited (SLAL), a UK-based advisory firm on ethics matters internationally. She is also the Founder of The Ethics Incubator, a non-profit, independent, cross-sector laboratory and collaborative platform for innovative ethics.

Liautaud’s expertise is informed by decades of experience, including not only running her own advisory firm and incubator, but also her work with a number of committee and advisory boards in various countries. She serves as Chair of Council at the renowned London School of Economics and Political Science, is a member of the French Ambassador’s Trade Advisory Council UK, and was the former chair of the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières US Advisory Board, in addition to working with many other non-profit organizations and governmental institutions.

Driven by her experiences with ethics, Liautaud’s debut book, The Power of Ethics: How to Make Good Choices in a Complicated World, provides a timely and essential guide for ethical decision-making in the 21st century. As ethical questions continue to concern government officials, corporate leaders, and each of us individually, The Power of Ethics highlights the importance of making decisions that can lead to a ripple effect of positive change for ourselves and wider society. In this inspirational book, Liautaud explains the six forces that drive ethical choices and offers a straightforward, four-step process for readers to take charge of their own decisions.

In her latest work, The Little Book of Big Ethical Questions, Liautaud asks intriguing questions that encourage lively discussion across a range of subjects, from family and friends to health and technology to politics, work, and consumer choices. She then walks through the ways readers might approach each situation to find the best answer for them.

An accomplished and informed ethics advisor, Liautaud brings broad global experience with ethics and governance to business, non-profit, governmental and academic organizations, leaders and audiences around the world. Liautaud divides her time between Northern California, London, and Paris.

Suggested Topics

  • The Power of Ethics: How to Make Good Choices in a Complicated World 
  • The Little Book of Big Ethical Questions
  • The Ethics Incubator
  • International and domestic ethics for business, government, and non-profit organizations
  • Cutting edge and innovative ethics
  • Bridging personal and professional lives through ethics
  • Ethical resilience and recovery: Individual resilience, not just surviving but thriving in complicated times; Corporate resilience, leadership teams, C-suite, large off-sites, panels. Resilience as an ethics-based habit not a gift, or stroke of luck
  • AI ethics, including generative AI 

Raves and Reviews

Praise for The Power of Ethics:

Philosophy can be abstract and frustrating to read. In The Power of Ethics, Liautaud attacks ethical decision-making not in a nebulous philosophical space, but at the point where the rubber meets the road. Reading it is a pure joy.” 
—Michael Schur, producer and creator of The Good Place

Trust is the currency of ethics. Susan Liautaud distills her twenty years of experience advising companies to democratize ethics and make it accessible to all. It is inspiring. It is practical. It is more timely than ever.”
—Emmanuel Lulin, Chief Ethics Officer, L’Oréal

Absolutely brilliant, engaging, and very timely cri de coeur. Follow Liautaud’s instructions and you will be a better decision-maker—and person.”
—Ruth Chang, chair and professor of jurisprudence, University of Oxford

With gripping storytelling, Susan Liautaud makes ethical decision-making approachable and easy to apply. The Power of Ethics is an invaluable tool to empower individuals and businesses to make ethical decisions to build competitive and trustworthy organizations.”
—Omid Kordestani, former executive chairman of Twitter and former senior VP at Google

Actionable and ready to use by all, The Power of Ethics makes ethical dilemmas clear instead of leaving you to agonize over impossible choices. A must-read.”
Joanne Liu, former international president, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontiéres

Accessible, deep, and a compelling read, Liautaud’s book explores many of today’s and tomor­row’s ethical issues . . . A useful and practical guide for individuals and organizations as they navigate their way through ethical challenges.”
—James Manyika, CEO, McKinsey Global Institute

Brilliantly effective, truly visionary . . . an essential reminder of how each of our decisions impacts the stories of others around us. So get reading now, and don’t let ethics happen to you: Always be an actor—and never a spectator—of your own life.”
—Sébastien Bazin, chairman and CEO, Accor

A 21st century ethics classic, The Power of Ethics delivers with stories of modern, big world integrity fails. Susan gives us a practical framework for making ethical decisions in what is an increasingly complex environment. A book for leaders to read and keep close at hand.”
—Rob Chesnut, former Airbnb General Counsel and author of Intentional Integrity

Praise for The Little Book of Big Ethical Questions:

There is much here to prompt thought and debate…Liautaud doesn’t pretend to have all the answers. What she does do is offer objective ways to look at the dilemmas and the results of our actions. The author reminds us that even the smallest ethical choices are important…This is sure to spark discussion.”

Liautaud is admirably agnostic, preferring to show how quandaries can be as helpful as definitive answers. This is a perceptive look at how to better approach thinking about and discussing contemporary dilemmas, whether quotidian or consequential.”
—Publishers Weekly

In the Media


Books by Susan Liautaud

Power of Ethics
Little Book of Big Ethical Questions

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